week eight: stereotype and the ethics of representation

The book I read this week is the March Book, The story mainly take place during the civil right movement, the first book actually flashed back and forth between when President Obama was first inaugurated as well as congressman Lewis's younger life, it is actually really interesting and not what I am expected. I think it is a really smart contrast to make between that moment in history and this moment in history. The art style, in my opinion, is pretty well done the line and shapes, as well as the shadow of every picture of the book, are very clean, I am pretty comfortable to read in this kind of art style. But as being a Chinese international student, I am not really into this book just because of the content in this book. I know that this history of the United States is really important, but I could not fully understand the culture of it, it is just my personal thing, but I think it should be fascinating for most of the American people. Speak of the stereotype, I think I experience this very well during the time that I spend in the U.S., it gets better in the college, but back in the high school, there were always some American kids ask me about China such as do we have aircraft in China or have I seem the microwave before. And I think in today's world, the race that receives the most stereotypes should be Asian or arguably Chinese because of no matter white people or black peoples they seems all hate about Chinese. Even in President Trump's tweeter, he called the coronavirus Chinese virus, and there are a lot of comics makes fun of Chinese people of their small eyes, I think In today's world, this kind of situation should not exist but sadly it still doses. In another hand, I think it is necessary that uses the stereotype in the comics and some other art creative area, it does help people to understand the setting of the narrative in some way. But I do not think it should be overly used, because that will hurt people's feelings, and I have felt that kind of pain before.


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